Women react after they were beaten up by Local Defense Unit (LDU) personnel downtown Kampala on 26th March,2020 as they enforced government directives aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus.
Gender Based Violence As majority of the population stayed at home to stay safe from COVID- 19, homes turned out to be hell for majority of the women countrywide and cases of domestic violence increased.
The Ministry of Gender reported that between March 30th and April 28th, a total of 3,280 cases of GBV were reported to police in addition to 283 cases of violence against children¹. Additionally, a survey carried out by Action Aid revealed that Pallisa district registered 150 cases of gender based violence during the
period of March and May.
These are only but the known cases that have been reported. One wonders how many women suffered from GBV and were not able to report due to the ban on transport to access the police, due to fear of reporting someone you are still locked up with for the more months.
These actions violate Art.33 of the constitution and Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women which Uganda