African Commissioner calls on governments to back recognition of Sacrede Natural Sites.

Ugandan Policy Makers throw out minister over polythene ban delay.

August 20, 2015    By nape

PARLIAMENT. Lawmakers yesterday banged tables, called the water and environment minister names, before kicking him and his officials out of a meeting called to discuss a ban on the use of polythene bags.MPs on the Natural Resources committee led by former Finance minister Syda Bbumba, who announced the ban in... Read More

NAPE to sue business Entities not complying with the Kavera ban.

August 20, 2015    By nape

PRESS STATEMENT ON KAVERA BAN (POLYTHENE BAGS): As you may recall, NEMA on 15th April 2015 banned the use of polythene bags commonly known as Kavera. This decision was arrived at based on the dangers associated with it on environment and all its habitats. These among others include the following;... Read More

Reclaiming Wetlands from Encroachers.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Developments on wetlands and other hurdles are likely to make it difficult for the government to implement a recent directive to cancel land titles in swampy areas, the Lands ministry spokesperson has said. In an interview with The Observer last week, Denis Obbo admitted that most of the affected land... Read More

Environmentalists Celebrate Victory over Museveni’s Mabira Give-Away.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Environmentalists under the umbrella of National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) yesterday celebrated their victory over the president’s 2006 Mabira give away. This was during meetings between NAPE and environmentalists from Uganda, East African, Africa and Europe and the residents that live around Mabira forest. Talking to the residents, NAPE... Read More

Palm Oil is Killing Fish.

August 17, 2015    By nape

The continuous environmental degradation by palm tree growers around Kalangala islands has greatly affected fish production in the lake, the State Minister for Environment, Flavia Munaaba has noted. Palm oil plantations completely cover Kalangala Islands, and most of them are under Bidco. NAPE has worked on palm oil under our... Read More

Should Lutembe Wetland be given to a flower producer?

August 17, 2015    By nape

NAPE and community members say “No!” These videos feature NAPE staff advocating for government and businesses to respect the rights of community members and the environment.