Uganda Civil Society Organizations Criticize the New Proposed NGOs Bill 2015.

Uganda Civil Society Organizations Criticize the New Proposed NGOs Bill 2015.

August 20, 2015    By nape

The National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) joined other Civil Society Organizations in Uganda to criticize the New NGO Bill 2015 proposed by the Uganda’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Gen. Aronda Nyakairima. The proposed bill was tabled on the floor of Parliament last month for discussions. While meeting with the... Read More

Infrastructure Development: Often times Host communities do not benefit.

August 20, 2015    By nape

Often times, host communities loose out when development project come into their communities. Issues dispossession of land, natural heritage and livelihoods arise. These are the challenges that residents of Hoima district confront since government of Uganda started developing oil projects after the discovery of commercially viable crude oil deposits in... Read More

Government of Uganda has started to crack down on NGOs critical of government.

August 20, 2015    By nape

Government of Uganda has proposed a new NGO Bill 2015 that would grant the internal affairs minister and the National Board for Non-governmental Organisations broad powers to supervise, approve, inspect, and dissolve all nongovernmental organizations and community based organizations, and would impose severe criminal penalties for violations. Among several troubling,... Read More

Community Green Radio Celebrates First Annivesary.

August 20, 2015    By nape

The Community Green Radio on Saturday August 1, 2015 celebrated the completion of the 1st year ever since it went on air. The radio, which is one of the programmes of National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), currently broadcasts through affiliation with Liberty FM from Hoima in Western Uganda on 89.0 FM. The... Read More

NGOs Banned from Politics in Uganda.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Internal Affairs minister Aronda Nyakairima has drafted a Bill seeking to bar non-governmental orgainsations (NGOs) from engaging in political work. The Non-Governmental Organisations Registration (Amendment) Bill 2013 seeks to expand government powers to monitor NGO work.The proposed law draws sharp lines between works and mandate of local, national and international... Read More

Government secures land for evicted Hoima residents.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Government has secured a piece of land to resettle families living on a chunk of land earmarked for a refinery in Hoima District.The 93 families, who are part of the more than 7,000 people who were displaced by the refinery, opted to be relocated instead of receiving payment from the... Read More

Environmentalists Celebrate Victory over Museveni’s Mabira Give-Away.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Environmentalists under the umbrella of National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) yesterday celebrated their victory over the president’s 2006 Mabira give away. This was during meetings between NAPE and environmentalists from Uganda, East African, Africa and Europe and the residents that live around Mabira forest. Talking to the residents, NAPE... Read More

Uganda: Land owners are destined to lose rights over mineral-rich land.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Government of Uganda plans to amend the Mining Act 2001 to allow intending investors in the mining industry to access private land that contains minerals without negotiating with the land owners. Currently, investors seeking mining business have to obtain consent of the private owners of the land where mineral deposits... Read More

Pope Francis On Climate Change: Man Has ‘Slapped Nature In The Face’.

August 18, 2015    By nape

Pope Francis said he is convinced that global warming is “mostly” man-made and that he hopes his upcoming encyclical on the environment will encourage negotiators at a climate change meeting in Paris to make “courageous” decisions to protect God’s creation. Francis has spoken out frequently about the “culture of waste”... Read More

Activists oppose Hima quarry project.

August 17, 2015    By nape

During a stakeholders’ meeting at Hotel Africana in Kampala over the weekend, the National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), presented a draft report which indicated that mining activities at the Dura quarry are prohibited by the law. This is because the quarry is in a national park. Titled: “Assessment of... Read More