Government of Ethiopia warns Riparian states over River Nile waters.

Government of Ethiopia warns Riparian states over River Nile waters.

February 27, 2018    By nape

Ethiopian president Mulatu Teshome has warned countries sharing the River Nile of the tough times ahead as urbanisation and populations rapidly grow, hence putting enormous pressure on the waters amid climate change. Nile Basin cooperation is not an option and managing a common pooled resource is not an easy undertaking,” Dr... Read More

5,000 Buvuma Residents Reject Oil Palm Compensation.

January 25, 2018    By nape

About 5,000 residents in the Island district of Buvuma have rejected a government proposal to compensate them for their land to pave way for oil palm growing, claiming their property was undervalued. This comes after government unveiled a programme for the relocation and resettlement of the affected people late last year.... Read More

Shared Resources, Joint Solutions (SRJS) Partners in Uganda Strengthen Community Capacities for the Protection of Forest Resources in Bunyoro Region.

October 18, 2017    By nape

Shared Resources, Joint Solutions (SRJS) is an expanded program designed to strengthen and empower host communities in biodiversity-rich areas to effectively engage and participate in decisions around the management of natural resources so that it continue providing International Public Goods (IPDs). Such rich-biodiversity area is found in the Albertine Rift. This... Read More

NEMA Turns Down Chines Investor’s Sand Mining Bid

July 31, 2017    By nape

The New Vision: The National Environmental Authority (Nema) has rejected a proposal by a Chinese company to excavate sand along the shores of Lake Victoria at Kawuku in Nkumba Parish, Wakiso District.The company, Mango Tree Group Ltd, has since last year been in the spot over allegedly engaging in illegal... Read More

How amending article 26 erodes citizens’ rights

July 28, 2017    By nape

By Bwengye Rajab On July 11, 2017, Uganda’s Attorney General tabled in Parliament a Bill to amend Article 26 of the 1995 Constitution (as amended) to the effect that the Government can legally displace communities anywhere in the country without prior payment of fair and adequate compensation to the victims.... Read More

Absence of Compensation policy Will Make Compulsory Land Acquisition Contentious.

July 27, 2017    By nape

Government of Uganda has proposed an amendment to the Land Act and related laws thereto. Government argues that it should have authority to acquire land for timely implementation of public works, fast-track construction of the proposed 24 industrial parks and other investment projects. The rationale behind the resolution is that members of... Read More

NAPE trains community animators

May 18, 2017    By nape

NAPE trains community dialogue animators NAPE’s approach to strengthen community cultural governance is use of community dialogues. The use of approach is a realisation and appreciation that communities have for long been disconnected from their social and ecological realities, the so called ‘’modernity’’ or ‘’development’’ creates a big divide between... Read More

NAPE Supports Youth Movement Building for Social and Environmental Justice.

April 28, 2017    By nape

During the last week of March 2017, Young Friends of the earth Africa (FoEA) groups and Young Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) had a cross-regional learning meeting for groups participating in the Erasmus project of the FoEI federation in Durban South Africa. The meeting was hosted by groundwork, FoE South Africa. The Erasmus project... Read More