The UN Social and Environment Compliance Unit Faults Bidico on Bugala Farmers

The fragile ecosystem in Buvuma Island could be destroyed by oil palm growing.

August 22, 2008       ,

The Vegetable Oil Development Project 2 (VODP) has expanded oil palm plantation in Buvuma Island, after replace thousands of hectares of tropical forests in Kalangala Island with oil palm trees. NAPE is concerned that the fragile ecosystem in Buvuma Islands which is also rich in biodiversity could be destroyed by oil palm growing. NAPE demands that VODP ensure that their operations are conducted in an environmentally conscious manner, and conserve and promote the sustainability of the landscape ecosystem in Buvuma Islands.   NAPE does not wish the oil palm project to become a threat to the ecosystem as has been the case in Kalangala Island where thousands of hectares of natural tropical forests were destroyed, and buffer zones that trap and filter agrochemicals from the oil Palm fields were also encroached on. NAPE also desire that the project adheres to the principles of free prior informed consent, respect of human and environmental rights.

NAPE is implementing a project aimed at securing a healthy ecosystem that supports improved community livelihoods”, is working on safeguarding the fragile eco systems in Buvuma, which she said is rich with biodiversity, but currently threatened by oil palm expansions. Through the project, NAPE is using lobby and advocacy to engage various landscape stakeholders such as National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), National Forestry Authority (NFA), Bidco and communities to conserve the forests, forest reserves, protect buffer zones on the landscape, and improve food security and land tenure among the communities of Buvuma Island. 

The Vegetable Oil Development Project 2 (VODP) plans to replicate the project in the districts of Mayuge (including Bugiri and Namayingo), Masaka-Kyotera and Mukono-Buikwe, as well as establishing oil palm trials in many parts of the country.