The current dry spell is significantly affecting the forest cover in parts of Bunyoro sub region where forests are being used as a tool of heritage conservation.
Hundred of trees recently planted as part of a campaign to conserve the 12-pet names ( empaako) of Bunyoro and Toro are drying up as a result of extreme weather conditions.
The situation is expected to stretch till the end of March 2015 according to a recent report by the department of meteorology.
Ten forests each sitting on 2 acres of land had successfully been planted as part of the drive initiated by Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in partnership with Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda. But many of them have dried up with limited chances of survival because of the too much sunshine.
Fred Mugenyi Rucunya,head of the Royal Babiito Clan( Okwir)who led the team that planted Okaali forest at his Kinogozi home in Buhimba subcounty says several of his seedlings have withered but he is making efforts to replant them to ensure that the initiative succeeds.
Okaali is a special pet name only reserved for kings. Adyeeri, Ateenyi,Atwooki and Acaali forests have also been affected by the dry spell with each losing up to 100 out of the 400 planted in October last year, according to Arafat Kirungi, who planted Adyeeri forest in Kidukuru village, Buhanika sub county.
Robert Rukahemura, the coordinator of the Project but also a private forester who planted Apuuli forest at his Kyakatehe land in Kiryanga sub county, Kibaale district says he has also lost more than 100 plantings.